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How to prepare for your upcoming parental leave


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Congratulations {@employeename}!

Parenthood is a rewarding life stage, and it’s exciting no matter how many children you welcome into your family. {@companyname} values family and your ability to find balance, taking time to be home during this momentous occasion.

To ensure you get the most out of your time away from the office, you’ll want to start planning your parental leave now. Plan to meet with your leader this week to begin developing your transition plan.

This is the time to share updates such as timing, restrictions, or other requests that need to be approved before you take leave. Bring a list of projects, tasks, and important events that need to be managed while you’re away. It would also be helpful to provide recommendations of team members that could pick up these responsibilities when you go on leave.

The next step will be to set an action plan with your leader so we can help you reach your goals before your leave. You also need to complete the following forms/processes:

[List any company parental leave forms/processes]

Let’s get you ready to go off and enjoy this happy time!

Things to consider:

  • Provide a list of HR processes/forms that need to be completed before leave.
  • Provide a high-level overview of what they can expect on communications from the company closer to their return to work.

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