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Join our Intern Alumni Program!


Message Template

Dear {@internname},

As your internship with us comes to an end, we invite you to continue being a part of our community by joining our Intern Alumni Program. This program is designed to foster connections, provide ongoing support, and keep you updated on exciting opportunities within our network.

Benefits of joining our Intern Alumni Program:

  1. Networking opportunities: Stay connected with fellow interns, professionals, and mentors who have been a part of our community. Networking events, both virtual and in-person, will be organized regularly.
  2. Exclusive events and workshops: Gain access to exclusive events, workshops, and webinars aimed at further developing your skills and knowledge. Stay informed about industry trends and best practices.
  3. Job opportunities: Receive updates on job openings, internships, and career development opportunities within our network. We are committed to supporting your professional growth beyond your internship.
  4. Stay informed: Stay updated on company news, achievements, and exciting projects. Be the first to know about upcoming events and initiatives.

To join the Intern Alumni Program, simply click on the link below:

[Insert Alumni Program registration link]

We believe in the power of our community and the continued success of each member. We hope you consider being a part of this network as you take the next steps in your career journey.

If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to reach out. We look forward to staying connected!

Things to consider:

  • If you use the Firstup platform for your internship community, be sure to add instructions on how they join (e.g., email registration, app download, etc.).
  • Gather their personal email address so you can remind them to join the program once their internship is finished.

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