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Employee offboarding checklist and next steps


Message Template

Dear {@managername},

As we navigate {@employeename}’s transition out of your team, we want to ensure a smooth offboarding process. Below is a checklist to guide you through the necessary steps:

Offboarding Checklist:

  1. Exit interview: Schedule and conduct an exit interview with {@employeename} to gather valuable feedback on their experience and insights that can contribute to improvements within our team.
  2. Handover meetings: Facilitate handover meetings between {@employeename} and their team members to ensure a seamless transition of ongoing projects and responsibilities.
  3. Return company property: Confirm that {@employeename} has returned all company property, including laptop, access cards, keys, and any other equipment.
  4. Access removal: Coordinate with IT to revoke access to all company systems and platforms. Ensure that they no longer have access to sensitive information on their last day.
  5. Forwarding email and auto-response: Set up email forwarding for {@employeename} and configure an auto-response to redirect incoming emails to the relevant contact person. This helps to manage communication effectively.
  6. Final payroll details: Coordinate with HR to ensure that {@employeename} receives their final paycheck, including any accrued vacation days or bonuses.
  7. Employee recognition: Consider acknowledging {@employeename}’s contributions and achievements within the team. This could be done through a farewell message or a small farewell gathering.
  8. Update team: Communicate departure to the team, providing them with any necessary information regarding the transition and reassignment of tasks.

Thank you for your attention to these details. If you have any questions or need assistance during this process, please feel free to reach out [add contact info]. We appreciate your dedication to ensuring a positive offboarding experience for both the departing employee and the team.

Things to consider:

  • Customize this communication to include company-specific offboarding details for your leaders.
  • Include key contact information, link to forms they need to fill out for IT, HR, or Finance.
  • Exit interview tip: HR should include exit interview questions.
  • Return company property tip: Include IT instructions for returning property.

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