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Best practices for communicating with your new hire


Message Template

Hi {@managername},

As {@employeename} begins their journey with {@companyname}, here are a few best practices for effective communication:

  • Welcome message: Start with a warm welcome email, introducing yourself and expressing excitement about their joining.
  • Clear expectations: Outline roles, responsibilities, and expectations early on to provide clarity. Be sure to create the 90-Day Onboarding plan using this template [link template].
  • Regular check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins to gauge progress, address concerns, and foster open communication. These check-ins should be ongoing past onboarding.
  • Feedback culture: Encourage a culture of constructive feedback, both giving and receiving, to promote continuous improvement.
  • Accessibility: Ensure you’re accessible and approachable, making it easy for {@employeename} to reach out with questions or concerns. Identify each other’s preferred communications styles and how you will contact each other and provide updates.

Your communication plays a crucial role in {@employeename}’s successful integration. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Things to consider:

  • Provide organization-specific guidance on what communication tools leaders should use to communicate with their new hires.
  • Add onboarding best practices and resources.

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