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OE ends today!


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Engage in warp speed! Open Enrollment ends today.

We’re on the final countdown with T-minus 9 hours left to enroll in [year] benefits — time to launch into action and secure your stellar coverage!

Benefits Open Enrollment ends TODAY at [enter time]. This is your last chance to enroll before your mission comes to an end. 🪐

You must actively enroll in a [year] plan in [enter system] and choose your medical, dental, vision, and additional insurance coverage and/or opt out. If you do not respond by [enter time] tonight you will not be enrolled in healthcare in [year].

If you have not enrolled in your [year] benefits yet, take a moment to look at the resources provided to you below to help you make your selection.

[Add resources]

You can find additional information in the Firstup topic.

Things to consider:

  • Continue using your theme to gain attention.
  • On the last day, make sure to emphasize OE enrollment and focus on that urgency.
  • Consider visuals for reminders and less text.

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