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OE ends tomorrow!


Message Template

The sun is setting on Open Enrollment. ๐ŸŒ…

2024 Benefits Open Enrollment ends tomorrow, [enter date]. Only [enter percentage] of employees have enrolled.

This year, Open Enrollment has a lot of great new perks and benefits [explain benefits]. Review this checklist to help you prepare for your benefits in the new year.

You must actively enroll in a plan [add system and link] and choose your medical, dental, vision, and additional insurance coverage and/or opt out. If you do not respond by TOMORROW, you will not be enrolled in healthcare in 2024.

Be sure to enroll in these out-of-this-world benefits before your mission comes to an end. ๐Ÿช ๐Ÿ’ซ

Things to consider:

  • Add in your theme for consistency and creativity.
  • Add a percentage of those enrolled for a sense of urgency.
  • Highlight any major benefit changes or important reminders.

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