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{@employeename} is returning from parental leave soon


Message Template

Hi {@managername},

{@employeename} will be returning from parental leave soon. Here’s how to prepare for their return. Providing resources, flexibility, and clear goals eases new parents back into work and increases their engagement with {@companyname}.

On their first day: Welcome them back

While this may seem like an ordinary day for you, it holds significant importance for them. Numerous thoughts occupy their mind during this transition, so ensure they experience a warm welcome and receive the support they need.

Here are some ideas on how you can welcome {@employeename} back to work and set them up for success:

  • Tell the team {@employeename} is returning, outline any projects or work that will be transitioned, and thank them for their contributions.
  • Give {@employeename} a warm welcome back.
  • Catch them up on anything big they’ve missed as well as what they can expect.

Create a 30/60/90-day plan together

It may be helpful to create a 30/60/90-day plan outlining their projects and priorities the employee will work on in their first months back, catch them up on anything they’ve missed while they were out, and understand their current career goals.

Discuss things like:

  • Have there been any changes they need to be aware of while they were out? (e.g., reorgs, changes in leadership, new team members, a shift in priorities for the team/group?)
  • What are the current priorities? What is the team working on?
  • Is there any training on new systems/processes, re-orientation, re-onboarding, etc., that they may need?
  • What goals would you like to achieve over the next 6-12 months?

Create a plan that includes their specific goals and learning needs during their first 90 days back. Be clear about which projects they will work on and that the workload can reasonably fit into their return-to-work schedule.

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