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Leadership skills to get you started


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Leaders are perpetual learners, and, to kickstart your leadership journey, here are some initial best practices we’d like to offer you.

Communication best practices

  • Have a regular team meeting cadence: Set up a regular meeting cadence with your team.
  • Establish and share meeting agenda: Having a meeting agenda that is formalized can help organize your meetings and help with team communication. Be sure to share the agenda and meeting materials in advance so employees who need time to process ahead of time can also be involved in the meetings.
    Schedule regular one-on-one check-ins: Be sure to also hold weekly or bi-weekly one-on-ones with your direct reports. If you manage multiple layers of teams, be sure your people leaders all have a cadence as well.
  • Provide opportunities for two-way communication: Communication is not a one-way street. Good communication flows both ways. Leave time in your meetings for employees to ask questions. Also, provide multiple avenues for asking questions since not everyone will be comfortable in a team meeting.
  • Be mindful of time zones when scheduling meetings: If your team members are in diverse locations, consider their time zones to ensure fair and convenient meeting times. This small gesture demonstrates your awareness and consideration for their individual work-life balance.

Things to consider:

  • If you run a larger team, consider making a targeted topic in the Firstup platform for key team communication and resources.
  • This is a great place to include any virtual team-building resources to help hybrid and remote teams better connect.

Recommended resources

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